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Mold Exposure
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            Mold exposure (exposure to toxic molds) is an increasing problem in our society today, primarily because the awareness of mold problems at home, work and school is increasing due to the considerable national notoriety molds have received.  Insurance companies who insure buildings of any kind have a tremendous stake in this issue, and would much rather it didn't exist.

             I have testified on numerous occasions for patients exposed to mold.  The reason that patients need a physician to testify for them is unfortunate: there is a considerable legal question as to how harmful molds can be, and whether there can be long term effects from exposure to molds.  There is even a legal question whether inhaled mycotoxins are harmful.

            Classically trained physicians recognize that molds can cause "allergy" and asthma, and that certain molds can cause lung infections and rashes, but they generally do not understand that molds can cause many other symptoms as well.  These symptoms may include severe fatigue, headaches, mental confusion, brain fog, sinus infections, chronic congestion, coughing, skin rashes, asthma (or worsening of asthma) and the list goes on.  Whether these symptoms are due to the molds themselves or to substances they produce, like mycotoxins, is still debated.

            Patients who have been unfortunate enough to have had considerable exposure to a high density mold infestation do indeed have symptoms, and they can last for a variable period of time after such an exposure - sometimes a considerable time.  Unless these patients see a physician trained in Environmental Medicine, they can be extremely frustrated in their search for treatment.  As the current North American editor of the Journal of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine I had the privilege of editing an excellent article that relates many of the acute and longer-term problems stemming from mold exposure.

            When I see a patient who has been exposed to molds, treatment will vary, often depending on the magnitude of the problem.  The first and foremost thing patients must do is remove themselves from the moldy environment!  Sometimes this presents a difficult problem, especially if the environment is the patient's home.

            In the shorter term, patients who have become ill from mold may need a detoxification program consisting of nutrients, both IV and oral, and some other modalities of therapy.  If our patient has been ill for several months or longer after he or she has been removed from a moldy environment, they often require immunization with LDA immunotherapy to help to regain their health.

            If you have had a high level mold exposure and you are ill, or you are seeking expert testimony about mold exposure, please call our office at (505-983-8890).


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Last Modified: October 23, 2013