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The following conditions are treated with EPD and LDA immunotherapy

1.      Rhinitis, perennial (runny nose, nasal congestion, etc., year `round)

35.  Chronic fatigue

2.      Rhinitis, seasonal, allergic (above but seasonal, hay fever, etc.)

36.  "Candida" or fungal-related illness symptoms respond clinically to antifungals)

3.      Nasal polyps

37.  Hyperventilation complex

4.      Allergic conjunctivitis (itchy/watery eyes) - not eczema of the eyelids

38.  "Environmental Illness"

5.      Asthma, year `round

39.  Plugged ears, moderately severe

6.      Repeated chest infections

40.  Pruritis

7.      Chronic sinusitis

41.  Depression

8.      Chronic face ache/sinus pain

42.  Insomnia, moderately severe

9.      Secretory otitis media ("glue ear")

43.  Vulvadynia

10.  Repeated ear infections

44.  Anosmia

11.  Immediate food allergy (foods cause  itching, swelling, collapse, shock)

45.  Emotional/Behavior problems (not #21)

12.  Food (or food chemical) allergy or intolerance/adverse response (not  #11 above)

46.  Interstitial cystitis (IC)

13.  Chemical or fume intolerance (severe symptoms, when exposed by breathing)

47.  Post nasal drip, chronic, severe

14.  Migraine/severe headaches

48.  Chronic cough

15.  Headaches, other

49.  Asthma, seasonal only

16.  Eczema, "dermatitis"

50.  Ankylosing spondylitis

17.  Contact dermatitis (from skin contact with a substance)

51.  Dermatographia

18.  Urticaria (hives)

52.  Autism

19.  Swelling of the lips, face or tongue  (angioedema)

53.  Hypertension

20.  Mental confusion (brain "fag," "fog," confusion, etc.)

54.  Diabetes

21.  Hyperactivity, ADD, ADHD, PDD

55.  Sjogren's Syndrome

22.  Epilepsy (any type)

56.  Meniere's Disease

23.  Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

57.  Psoriasis

24.  Osteo-arthritis or joint pains: non-specific

58.  Anaphylaxis due to ingested food or food substance

25.  Muscle pains, severe

59.  Anaphylaxis, cause unknown (idiopathic)

26.  Ulcerative colitis

60.  Tourette's

27.  Crohn's disease

61.  Multiple sclerosis

28.  "Irritable bowel", "spastic colon" or chronic diarrhea

62.  Cat allergy

29.  Constipation (less than 1 bowel movement on most days)

63. Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS)

30.  Gut "fermentation" (bloating after most meals, especially sugar)

64.  Conjunctivitis, chronic, diagnosed as "non-allergic"

31.  Chronic anal irritation/itch (not caused by hemorrhoids)

65.  Raynaud's

32.  Chronic vaginal symptoms

66.  Reactive arthritis (autoimmune, non-RA)

33.  Urinary tract symptoms (not due to infection)

67.  Pharyngitis


68.  Laryngitis

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Copyright � 2005 Santa Fe Center for Allergy and Environmental Medicine
Last modified: October 23, 2013